05 Mar Dailies AquaComfort Plus Toric
Dailies AquaComfort Plus Toric
Alcon formerly Ciba Vision is about to launch it’s new Dailies AquaComfort Plus Toric soft disposable contact lens.
Toric lenses are for those patients that have a requirement for 2 correcting powers within the same lenses. For example their prescription might look like this +2.00/-1.25 x 90
Dailies Aqua comfort plus toric will in time replace the current Focus Dailies (all Day comfort) Toric lenses.
In summary the benefits offered by the new toric daily disposable are
– Superior comfort upon insersion
– Blink activated moisturiser ensure end of day comfort
– Improved tear film stability
– Increased cylinder power options
– Increased cylinder axis options
This allows a far greater number of patients enjoy crisp clear vision with the convenience of a daily disposable soft contact lens.
The table below shows a quick comparison of the 2 lenses. The existing Dailies All Day Comfort on the left and the new Dailies AquaComfort Plus Toric on the right.
Click through on any of the images above if you would like to know more about this new lens or if you want to pre-order trials. If you have not been able to get dailies in you power previously due to the cylinder power or the choice of axis now might be your chance to enjoy the convenience of daily disposable wear.